For many people, a garage is more than a storage area. It may be a recreational place where you go to tinker around with your favorite vehicle. Alternatively, you may use it as a gym, outfitting it with weight benches and punching bags. 

Some people even use their garage as an extra living space, decorated with lamps, tables, and couches. Whatever the case, if you spend much time in your garage, you probably don’t like seeing a shabby concrete floor beneath you. 

Fortunately, there are ways to improve garage floors. If you’d like to upgrade your garage flooring, read on to discover your options!

Garage Floor Paint

One of the most straightforward ways to shape up your garage floor is to paint it. While many other garage flooring ideas require intricate installation methods, you can accomplish this chore in one weekend. 

It’s an inexpensive method for improvement, but it does take work. For the best results, you must repair any cracks in the floor with concrete filler. You must also thoroughly clean the floor. 

Finishing these tasks helps ensure you don’t make floor defects permanent. From here, you can paint the floor in any number of colors. However, paint is the least durable flooring option, so be ready to replace the paint in a few years.

Garage Floor Epoxy

Epoxy is a type of paint that includes a hardener in its composition. It helps create a more durable coat for your garage floor, which adds to the coat’s longevity. 

To apply epoxy, you need to get your floor into a healthy condition. Repair any cracks as you would for paint. Likewise, clean the floor well to achieve optimal results.

You may need to etch the floor to give your epoxy something to cling to. Etching the floor can increase the longevity of the epoxy coat. 

Once your floor is ready for work, mix your epoxy paint and hardener together. When you have your solution, apply it to the floor. You’ll need to move quickly, as this mix can only survive for two hours. 

Epoxy resists oil stains better than standard paint and takes less time to clean. However, epoxy coatings have a weakness. Over time, exposure to sunlight causes this material to crack and yellow. 

Using Polyurea Coatings

While epoxy is an improvement over paint, sunlight exposure can still cause it to fade over time. The best solution for your garage floors is to use a polyurea coating

Polyurea works similarly to paint or epoxy. First, you paint one layer of coating. After this, you paint a second layer that resists moisture infiltration in your concrete.

Because polyurea cures swiftly, it prevents bubbles from forming as the material hardens. This issue with bubbles is yet another problem many epoxy coats face. 

In the end, your garage floor will feature an attractive, stain-resistant finish. Polyurea also resists scrapes, chemical corrosions, and weathering from extreme temperatures.

Find Experts to Help With Garage Floors

While many options exist for garage floors, polyurea coatings provide the best results. To attain the most perfect finish, consider hiring experts to coat your floors.

To that end, consider working with Garage Force today! We offer several durable coating systems that will make your garage floor pop like never before. Contact us today to book an appointment.